Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Portobello beach in May, and no rain...

Home to Edinburgh for a couple of weeks and had a wee stroll along the beach at Portobello early one morning. There was a man with a red jacket, and he did have a dog ... it was a very fast lad though and scooted about all over the place chasing birds and sticks and all sorts so wasn't quite able to catch him on the picture, hence the blurry bit. Might have to do a wee bit poetic licence and pop him in beside his owner.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Autumn sunlight in Northumberland

Autumn is one of my favourite seasons but feel a bit sad after the harvest is in and all the fields are ploughed ready for Winter sowing. This pic was taken early one morning when the sun was low, the sky was a watery blue and the fields a lovely chocolate colour. I like the old broken gate and wee Archie the schnauzer looking out, he had been chasing rabbits and was ready for home and a sausage for his breakfast.
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.

John Keats

Ode to Autumn

Catching some sun in Rhodes before the Oslo snow arrives ...

Lucky to squeeze in a quick week to Rhodes recently and catch a bit heat. Even though it was the end of the summer there, the colours were bright and vibrant. The picture here was a quick wooshy one while looking out from the room in the late afternoon, not many people out there and the garden by the beach was getting a bit wild, which was kind of nice too.

This old chap was sitting in front of me at the pool and as I'm not very good at drawing people, I decided to have a bash, (but only while he wasn't looking). One funny thing was the angle which his toes poked out at and looked like they were coming out of a strange part of his body.

In the centre of the pool was a garden arrangement, so had a crack at that too, it was a safer option than grumpy boy.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Swirly words, soldiers and seagulls

Working on a new project today with calligraphy ideas and small line pictures based on some of the photos I've taken recently. 

Really wasn't thinking too logically about the project from the start and went headlong into it. As it's on cartridge paper, the finished picture would go all wibbly-wobbly if I add watercolour paint to it now, but have some lovely bright crayons so will add a spot of colour here and there to brighten it up a bit.

Added some colour to the background and the pictures to lift the picture a bit and now thinking about creating a circle image next time. It might be an idea when the snow comes for a Christmas card... oh the snow, better get the furry boots and gloves looked out for that.
And gin to help keep warm when painting..

Monday, October 3, 2011

Searching for treasure on the Flaggy shore, Finavarra, Galway

The lads had a great time filling up their pockets with odd shaped stones and 'gems' from the Flaggy shore in Ireland. We're now building a cairn with assorted rocks from Ireland, Northumberland and Norway, (it's only wee but is growing after every trip).

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Beer Palace, Oslo and local brewery

What a coincidence, nipped into the Beer Palace (local bar) last night for a quick gin after the traumas of running the gauntlet in the supermarket and up on the wall was this old tin poster for a local brewery. It looked familiar..

Christiania Bryggeri (brewery), what a fantastic old sign, I love the font and colours in fact, decided to have another gin just to celebrate.

According to Wiki:
Founded around 1048 by King Harald III of Norway, the city was largely destroyed by fire in 1624. The city was moved under the reign of Denmark–Norway's King Christian IV. It was rebuilt closer to Akershus Castle, as Christiania (also spelt Kristiania in late 1800's). In 1925, the city reclaimed its original Norwegian name, Oslo

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Aker Brygge lighthouse (and the dog was there chasing his tail...)

This is one of my favourite places to go for a walk every morning and the old fellow is often there with his collie dug (who likes to look over the side of the quay at the seagulls, sure he would like to have a go at them). Had another shot at the pic again to try to get it lighter than the last version. Lovely sky today with a wee bit of pink going on up there, must have been the traces of last night's storms.

Friday, September 9, 2011

National Theatret in the morning light, Spikersuppa, Oslo

It was a beautiful, quiet, sunny morning today and the sky is so big and blue again... just lovely. I like the way the statues outside the National Theatret appear like ghostly shadows from the stage of long ago, reciting a play or a poem, eery in a way. But they look as if they are having a good time, discussing their lines.

There was a flock of birds flying high over the roof which, to be honest, I hadn't spotted when taking the photograph and was delighted to see them later when looking at the pic on screen.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fresh fish and chatting lads at Aker Brygge quay, Oslo

The wee fishing boats had a good night with their haul and had a large cargo onboard this morning. They were doing a roaring trade with the local restuarant owners and these two lads were having a right chuckle and full of fun in the sunshine in between serving their customers. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Stilt man at Aker Brygge

This statue is just over the way in the water beside the moorings at Beddingen in Aker Brygge. He looks out down to the fjord and is a big tall chap perched on his stilts. I've noticed when it's really quiet in the mornings, the same seagull likes to perch on his head and do a wee dance.

The sketch started in pencil and then I got a bit carried away with the black pen and a dab of paint. It had got to the point where it was finished, but then took it too far, grrrrrrr..

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Old cottage and dancing farmer's wife

Following the scary cottage pic, I was thinking it might make a fun character for a child's story, (with a dancing farmer's wife, for some reason...).

Monday, September 5, 2011

Galway Cottage with whiskers ..

Very forgetful as spent the weekend in Galway, Ireland and forgot to take the sketch pad and pencils ..but luckily had the camera snuck away. There was some stunning scenery with greys and greens and such a beautiful location. This old derelict cottage was both spooky and cheeky, it looked as if had been abandoned years ago and the garden was very overgrown. The roof was covered in crockly ivy and looked like a whiskery old man with a mad hair-do. Would loved to have hopped inside for a peek but was a bit scared. Going to have a crack at a watercolour of it later..

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Just texting in the rain ...

Very quiet this morning along the waterfront, everything was sprinkly-sprankly washed clean after the rain and storms last night. I like the way this laddo is sitting texting among the puddles, with his hood up, and not a care in the world. The lighthouse is a wee fat jaunty one too and reminds me of a liquorice allsort sweet.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Finn Schjolls blomsters shop

The dark door of the florists in the centre of the shop front was intriguing as it looked like a secret place to go into. Next time I'll be extra brave and sneak in to see what mysteries are there. Bet there are some wonderful plants and a big black cat, snoozing.

A wee bit cheating on the picture with the colour to cover that typo on the shop front and added some touches of blue on the plants. Might try this one again without the dark grey background next time around.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Blomster in Rosenkrantz' gate, Oslo

This florists is right in the centre of Oslo, the shop front has a quirky layout and even on a grey day the colours jump out. I really like the way the plants and flowers are displayed in such an eccentric way and it's one of my favourite places to walk past and always makes me smile. Across the road is a wee jazz bar with tables outside from where I did a quick sketch and took the photo, to work on later.

 Starting to put the colour in now and get the plants in place on the shelves ... but, made a big mistake with the shop name on the sketch and missed out the letter 'R', added it later but it's not correct and too squeezed in. Will see how the finished pic looks after all the detail is in place and might have to crop to the right... or go back again and do another sketch, (maybe that's a good enough reason for a beer at the bar with the jazz cool cats).

Friday, August 19, 2011

Aker Brygge lighthouse, lonely man and an invisible dog

This was a sketch from very early one morning before the quayside became busy with people, it's a popular spot for tourists and is just beside where the local ferry stops to drop off the passengers. There was only one chap wandering about and he was looking out over the water, he had a dog with him at the time but it was scooting around in the background and a nippy little fellow. A bit too quick for me to capture on paper. You can see the dog in the photo though, I think it he after the seagulls...

Blue skies over Oslofjord

Just for a wee change I decided to have a dabble with the oil paints rather than sketch pad. This picture was created quickly with an old plastic credit card to apply the paint to the canvas. Rather like butter on toast, except blue, which probably wouldn't taste so good.  The skies are so big and blue just now and lovely in the mornings.

Next time I'm going to tackle the boats!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rainy day in Aker Brygge

This funky building has offices on the top floors and an art gallery on the ground floor. It provides a great look-out point for the seagulls to check out what's going on. As it was a horrible wet driech morning the sketch was quickly outlined and then a scurry back indoors to hot tea.

By the time I took the photo, the seagull had scooted, as had the man in his big executive office chair. He probably went for a tea too, or maybe a posh coffee, and cake, I bet.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Akershus castle

Lovely sunny morning and did a quick sketch of Akershus castle, its a bit straight and tight though. Might add some colour to doof it up a bit, or have another go tomorrow.

Big bright blue skies and lovely view, but had to give up as the view was blocked when a big cruise ship appeared and docked right in front of it, cheeky thing...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

First blog picture, looking over Oslofjord

Here goes with the first picture, it's been a long time since the brushes and paints were out but let's get cracking and have a bash.

This wee picture was painted from the view over the balcony looking out over the Oslofjord. The boats are a bit wobbly but will keep practicing! It will be fun to look at the same view in a few months time when winter arrives, the flowers are gone and the fjord is frozen. Brrrr...